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"Catoctin Creek and Fountain Rock Nature Centers . . . The Natural Place to Be"

Monday, August 15, 2016

Update: Crickets and Meteors Program

Thanks to all who came out Friday evening to listen for crickets and scan the skies for meteors and other celestial bodies!  The group listened for the calls of the following six species of crickets: Jumping Bush Cricket, Japanese Burrowing Cricket, Greater Angle-wing Katydid, Lesser Angle-wing Katydid, Oblong-Winged Katydid, and the Common (or true) Katydid  The skies cleared enough to glimpse some Perseid meteors, Mars and Antares, the North Star, the Summer Triangle with the stars Vega, Deneb, and Altair, and some constellations.

Our thanks go to:

  • Margaret Pierre-Nanan: Cricket Presentation
  • Dr. Nair and Jim Ashworth, TriState Astronomers:  Night Sky Program 
  • The Master Naturalists organizers of this program

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